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The Future of NAV

There have been many lines written on NAV and its future. It would seem that Microsoft have at last pulled their rabbit from the hat with NAV 2013, which has been released to market with rave reviews.  It would certainly seem to be a fabulous time to be a NAV Sales Person! NAV has always … Continued

AX 2012 R2

December 1st 2012 is D-day for the latest version of AX. There is hope that the R2 version will have the bugs fixed and be inherently more stable than the current version. Among the additional benefits is that R2 will offer localisation for 36 countries, including Brazil, Russia, India, China and many Eastern European Countries. … Continued

State of the Market in Summer 2012

Conspicuous has seen increased activity in the latter half of the summer as companies are building their teams for projects starting in September.  Most of the solution centres in the country have had an excellent summer both on the NAV and the AX new business sales  with many more projects being signed off in 2012 … Continued

The Dynamics Community

24th July 2012 Cindy Bates (VP Microsoft US) blogged about the benefits of transforming your business into a community, of building a strong customer understanding  and she gives an example of a Seattle shop that doubles as a community meeting point. At Conspicuous we are in no doubt of the value of community.  We have … Continued

Aston Martin Switches Gears with Dynamics AX

Global automaker Aston Martin has a reputation built on its precise design and production of hand-built, high-performance sports cars. With that diligence in mind, the company implemented Microsoft Dynamics AX with the assistance of Microsoft partner eBECS to address its pressing need to source a new accounting system. Microsoft Dynamics AX was widely accepted due … Continued

Hitachi Solutions Strengthens its Microsoft Dynamics Expertise with the appointment of Tim Rowe

Hitachi Solutions, the Microsoft Dynamics solutions and services arm of Hitachi, is strengthening its industry and Microsoft Dynamics expertise with the appointment of Tim Rowe to its consulting team. A qualified accountant, with a background at PWC and Microsoft, Tim has spent the last fourteen years’ as a business applications specialist assisting companies in many industries … Continued