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Five Dynamics GP Video Tutorials

22 July 2015
Written by
Helayna Lowe
In April, we brought you some of the best video tutorials for those working Dynamics NAV jobs. This month, we’re shining the spotlight on Dynamics GP video tutorials. Here’s a list of some of the most sought-after technical help videos for Dynamics GP. If you’re working on Dynamics GP projects, these videos might help.
  1. Using GP’s built in help features
Whether you’ve never used GP before or you’re a seasoned veteran, turn to GP’s built in help function. In this short tutorial, learn the power of the F1 key, how to search the index and more.
  1. Implement GP SmartList
For a smarter way to find the information you need, GP has a built in reporting feature called SmartList. These lists enable you to organise the information you require, in the format you need. Learn how to implement them with this popular tutorial.
  1. Purchase order processing
One of the central features of Dynamics GP is its purchasing capability. You’ll need a comprehensive tutorial to help you understand systems like order setup, purchase order history, shipment receipts and returns and shipment invoicing, so here is an easy-to-follow summary.
  1. Creating your inventory
Regardless of your specific project, one of the first things you’ll probably need to do is create an inventory full of the items you’re looking to purchase and sell. This short video demonstrates how to do precisely that.
  1. 10 GP tricks in 30 minutes
This is a fantastic webinar that covers a range of Microsoft Dynamics tips and tricks, from the very basics to things you might have forgotten in your basic training. In just 30 minutes, you’re guaranteed to have a more comprehensive Dynamics GP knowledge. These are just a few of the most popular tips for those working Dynamics GP jobs right now. If you have any requests for future video tutorials, let us know on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. For the latest Dynamics roles, in the US or around the world, visit our site, or… Give us a call on +44(0)1483 233 000.

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