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Five Reasons to Choose Microsoft Dynamics 365

13 September 2017
Written by
Helayna Lowe
Microsoft Dynamics 365 combines Microsoft’s ERP and CRM products, affording businesses an integrated productivity suite that takes advantage of the latest advances in machine learning and cloud streaming. With a modular pricing structure, it also saves organisations and individuals from sacrificing service quality in favour of budgets. But this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many benefits of Dynamics 365. Here are five more key ones.

1. User-friendliness

Outboarding an entire team as part of a digital transformation project can seem like a mammoth task but by utilising Dynamics 365, friction caused by transition can be significantly reduced. With integrated functionalities and common programs, most of those who are familiar with Microsoft products won’t feel quite so lost. The user-friendly interface in Dynamics 365 means users will feel comfortable in a short space of time. Dynamics 365 is also completely integrated with Outlook and other Office 365 software and services, making sharing and collaboration of work-related projects simple.

2. Remote working

Working out of the office is now an everyday practice, with many developers, project managers, product owners and more choosing to work remotely. One of the many key features of Dynamics 365 is that it can be accessed anywhere thanks to being a flagship product for Microsoft Azure Cloud for those with internet access. For those without, an ‘On Premise’ version which centralises 365’s toolset to your device. This is a great benefit to organisations who have team members who are often out liaising with clients. With Dynamics 365, they can see the state of play of current tasks, whilst also updating and informing others of their own progress.

3. Safe and secure

In today’s digital age with the continued concerns of cyber security, having a program that’s proportionally protected from breaches is essential. Dynamics 365 offers secure access across multiple platforms and devices, complete with anti-spam and antivirus technologies which are updated automatically, making sure it’s protected from the very latest of cyber threats. Microsoft Dynamics ensures your business and client/customer data is safe in the Cloud, and adheres to strict EU privacy criteria, including GDPR.

4. Data and analytics transparency

To move forward in all areas of business, a look at past performances is key. Therefore Dynamics 365’s predictive analytics and digital intelligence is another leading feature of the software application. Dynamics 365’s business intelligence dashboard transforms CRM data into insightful reports and analytics, helping an organisation make informed business decisions. Dynamics’ capabilities are expanded (from a business intelligent point of view) because users no longer have to leave their CRM as they were previously required to do.

5. Development flexibility

Some platforms limit users to their own specific coding, but Microsoft Dynamics 365 can be configured to work effectively with any type of infrastructure you could think of. It can be also programmed in a range of languages including JavaScript and HTML. Along with the configuration, users have the flexibility of buying the exact number of licenses or upgrades needed, unlike some CRM solutions that limit you to a set amount. This means an organisation only pays for what it uses. If you’re an organisation looking to bolster its Dynamics 365 resource, speak with one of our consultants: +44 (0)1483 233 000

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