How much do you think you should be paid? If you’re seeking your next career move then salary is going to be high on your agenda, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you think about. Here’s why:
Employers are looking for the ideal candidate
When employers create a job advertisement, they’re showcasing the salary they’re prepared to pay for the ideal candidate. They want to attract the Dynamics developer with ten years of experience, three languages and industry-specific knowledge, so the salary is going to have to be the right size to resonate with that audience. If you don’t fit the bill, don’t expect the same offer.
You’re negotiating in opposite directions
Let’s say you don’t quite have all of the experience listed but you still want that salary. You’ll be looking to negotiate up while the employer is aiming to negotiate down. To avoid a salary conversation that resembles bartering at a market, it’s really important to take a wider view because…
It’s not all about money
Whilst you may not yet be able to command a six-figure salary, there’s a lot to be said (and monetary value attached) to benefits such as pension contributions, healthcare and training. Think long-term and ask yourself what’s important to you overall. A company that is prepared to invest in developing your skills in the long-term, provide for you and your family in ill health and help to make sure you can retire when you want to, is one that is committed to looking after you beyond a monthly pay packet.
You’re worth it
We take a great deal of time at Conspicuous to understand your skills and aspirations and compare them with the opportunities available and our placement history – we don’t guess at what you can earn, we know. This gives you a realistic idea of your value and confidence in knowing what you’re worth. If you'd like to talk to us, join us on
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